Where can you find the lowest prices for express shipments to Japan? Try our transporter comparator upela.com and save up to 75% compared to the public rates of the shipping leaders DHL, FedEx and UPS!
With Upela, you can export to Japan or import from Japan in a few seconds, and save money doing so!
Ship a parcel to Japan: formalities and customs
For all your shipments to Japan, include a sales or pro forma invoice, supplied by Upela. Your shipments will be checked by customs.
Remember to protect your shipments (even the least fragile parcels) being sent to Japan. An appropriate packing will guarantee that your shipment is safe and reaches its destination in good condition.
Sending parcels to Japan: prohibited goods
- cash
- vegetables
- explosives
- firearms
- organs
- live or dead animals
- perishable biological matter
Rates for shipping to Japan*
2,2 lbs | 49,39€ | 4 days |
4,4 lbs | 68,66€ | 4 days |
11 lbs | 108,48€ | 4 days |
22 lbs | 164,35€ | 4 days |
44 lbs | 266,84€ | 4 days |
*The above prices are not fixed, they are "starting from" prices, they depend on the characteristics of your shipment, as well as on the delivery options selected. Our most advantageous rates are reserved for Upela customers, if you wish to benefit from them, just create a free account.
Parcels to Japan: shipping times
Express deliveries to Japan take three days door-to-door: pickup at home and delivery to the home/head office of your recipient.
Send your parcels to any other countries in Asia:
Hong Kong
South Korea
Rates for shipping parcels to Japan: the best prices with Upela.com !
Upela guarantees you a discount of up to -75% for services with express shipping leaders FedEx, DHL and UPS. Get a free quote in just a few clicks on www.upela.com !
Send parcels from France-Japan and Japan-France starting from €20.39